We believe that immersion is the only form of baptism revealed and commanded in the Scriptures; that it has no saving power, but is only for those who are already saved. The new birth, which comes through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Scriptural prerequisite to baptism. Therefore, only those who are old enough to believe for themselves should be baptized. We also understand baptism to be a command of our Lord, to be submitted to after salvation (after having received Jesus Christ by faith). (Acts 2:38,41; 8:15-16; 16:16-33; Romans 6:3-5; Matthew 28:19-20)
If you are interested in being baptized, please reach out to one of our pastors.
Senior Pastor - David Patrick:
Associate Pastor - T Tafaoa:
Family Pastor - Phil Thompson:
Student Ministries Pastor - Brian Defazio:
Life Groups Pastor - Robbie Hinson:
Missions Pastor - John Baltz: